What crazy times!

Actually we were still in the planning stage for our didactics course and the Berlin Drum Days 2020 and then, not unexpectedly, the lockdown came.

In no time at all, we had to switch the entire teaching at our drum school to online lessons. Both our professional training and the lessons at the Drumtrainer-Junior Music School have been taking place completely via various platforms such as Skype and Zoom but also Facetime and Whatsapp. Our lecturers have converted their studios, practice rooms and living rooms into digital classrooms.Web cameras, audio interfaces and a lot of improvisation art have helped to move the lessons for students and pupils from one day to the next to the web. Our students and pupils have also participated immediately and installed programs on their telephones, tablets or computers, giving them the opportunity to learn online at home.

Therefore we would like to take this opportunity to thank all lecturers, students and pupils for their understanding, cooperation and willingness to go new ways with us in this crisis. Our platform www.drumtrainer.online and the many hundreds of teaching videos we have produced in the last 3 years have helped us a lot. Even before the crisis, we linked our classroom teaching with our online courses. In the lockdown we have intensified this concept of blended learning and will certainly continue to do so after the crisis. We will certainly continue to take advantage of the opportunity to hold individual lessons, workshops with lecturers from other countries or access tests online in the future. In this respect, the lockdown had something positive for our school and has helped us to realize our goal of offering modern teaching in a combination of face-to-face teaching and digital content delivery.

Nevertheless we hope to be able to teach in our rooms again very soon. Due to the current situation, we unfortunately had to postpone the didactics course and the Berlin Drum Days until 2021.

Our next certificate course “Professional Drummer”, in cooperation with the SRH University of Popular Arts/hdpk starts in October and entrance examinations can be arranged individually at any time.

We help you to become a professional drummer!